A Turkish woman lawyer has died after months of hunger strike.

Kurdish woman advocate Abro Teymtak, who was on a 238-day hunger strike, lost her life.

A Kurdish woman advocate, who was sentenced to 13-and-a-half years in prison for speaking out against the government, went on an indefinite hunger strike eight months ago after suffering a heart attack, according to a foreign news agency. 

Abru Tematak was rushed to hospital from jail where his condition deteriorated and he died while receiving medical treatment.

About a month after Ibro began his hunger strike, his fellow Turkish lawyer of Arab descent, Aitaj Onsal, also joined him. He was arrested with eyebrows in September 2017 and the court sentenced Onsal to 10 and a half years in prison.

Abru, along with his fellow lawyer Onsal, demanded that a fair trial be conducted with him.

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