The Israeli defense minister threatened to use force

Israeli Defense Minister Beni Gantz said on Sunday that Tel Aviv would pursue its security interests at all costs. Threats to Israel's security will be dealt with vigorously.

He expressed these views during a visit to Lebanon near the border with the military.

According to the correspondent of Al-Arabiya in Lebanon, an Israeli drone crashed in southern Lebanon yesterday.
The Israeli minister announced that Tel Aviv would react strongly to any threat. "We do not want tension from anyone, but we are not negligent in defending our country," he said.

Earlier, Israeli airstrikes in Syria killed two key commanders of Hezbollah and Iranian militias. The Israeli army bombed border areas in Syria on Saturday night following the movement of Hezbollah militias.

And on Saturday, Roseben Gantz stressed that Lebanon and Syria would be responsible for any action against Israel in their territories.

In an interview with Hebrew Channel 13, the defense minister warned both countries of stern and aggressive action in response to activities on the northern borders between Syria and Lebanon.

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