British submarines became a threat to passenger boat

According to British media, nuclear-powered British submarines became a threat to passenger boats, a report revealed on Thursday that a passenger ferry between Northern Ireland and Scotland was hit by submarines. The wreckage was averted because a boat officer spotted a submarine periscope on the spot.

The government's Marine Accident Investigation Branch called for an independent review of the incident, which took place on November 6, 2018, saying it was the third Royal Navy submarine incident in the last four years in which it came very close to a boat. Passed and survived the accident.

The Stena Superfast VII, with 215 passengers and 67 crew members on board, was traveling between Belfast and Canary on the west coast of Scotland when a supervisor spotted a nearby submarine periscope. Ben, who emerges from the water.


Andrew Moll, chief inspector of the Marine Accidents Department, said the boat's supervising officer took immediate and effective action to turn the boat around and avert a frightening collision with a submerged submarine.

The submarine was reportedly undergoing safety training at the Faslin Naval Base west of Glasgow. It spotted a nearby boat but its crew failed to estimate how close it was, and Instead of going far, she went to the other side of the boat, at one point she passed just 250 meters away from the boat.

The chief inspector said the incident happened because the submarine's control room team underestimated the speed of the boat and overstated its distance, resulting in a dangerous decision based on misinformation. He said that although the accident did not occur, it was the third incident in four years of a collision between a Royal Navy submarine and a boat, which was a cause for concern.

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