And now "The Human Screening Project" is coming...

The use of smartphones and tablets in everyday life is increasing which we use to find out more and more about everything. But just as every human's genome is different from all humans in the world, is the use of a smartphone / tablet unique enough to identify one human being among the billions of human beings on the basis of it?

Some experts at Stanford University and Pennsylvania State University say the answer to this question is "yes." Just as a human's genome is completely unique, so is the personality of every human being, unique and unique from all the rest of the world ... which can be identified by this person's "screenome".

What is the name of this "screen"? Learn about the social and psychological experience of using technology before.

Experts have so far collected 30 million (30 million) data points with the help of 600 volunteers, led by Byron Reeves and Thomas Robinson of Stanford University, and Neil Ram, of Pennsylvania State University. People who use a tablet / tablet usually spend very little time on something, ie only 10 to 20 seconds; after which they are drawn to another content.

They also discovered that if digital information (including social media) on one hand is spreading extremely diverse and diverse information, on the other hand, those who have access to that information have become very strange in their moods.

This team of experts clearly understood that every hour, every day and every week, in terms of smartphone / tablet usage, each person's personality is so different and unique to others. 

A digital media user watches so much different content through their smartphone or tablet that at first glance all this data (which he has seen, heard, and read) doesn't feel connected. However, if we are aware of the contradictions in this person's personality and his thinking, then we, like this digital media user, can not only relate this disconnected data to ourselves, but also use it. They can accurately identify a person in the millions.

But the question is, how can we, on an individual level, know a person so deeply and understand it in such detail?

There is a way to do this and that is, through the smartphone / tablet screen we use it, we are constantly and continuously discovering what it is watching. As a result, we will be able to expose the personality hidden in its seven curtains and, ultimately, identify it in the millions.

This is what these experts call the "Screenome". For your own sake, understand that the "screenroom" is actually a set of habits, temperaments, likes and dislikes, and personal contradictions for any human being who are constantly in the habit of using his / her smartphone / tablet screen. And after long observation comes to us. In addition, this entire set, namely, a human "screen", is unique to other human beings, just like its genome, proteome, microbiome, interatome, and other "omens"; Can identify humans, even if they are full of disguise.

In view of all of this, scientists at Stanford University and Pennsylvania State University have jointly announced the launch of the "Human Screening Project", which we launched in the "Human Genome Project" digital in 1990.

Because of the Human Genome Project, completed in 2003, we have learned a great deal more about humans on a global, group, ethnic and geographical basis, and so on the completion of the Human Screening Project, we as humans, In the context of digital media, including social media, there will be an opportunity to understand collectively and individually what has never happened before in human history.

An app will be created under the Human Screening Project, which will be downloaded to hundreds of millions of volunteers worldwide on their smartphones / tablets. Whenever the phone / tablet is on, the app will take a screenshot every 5 seconds and send it to the project server immediately. This means it will take 12 screens per minute, 720 hours per hour, and up to 17,280 screenshots per day and send it to the Human Screenom Project server.

The data will be explored and set up a collective "digital map" of humans, identifying individuals with different temperaments and mental and physical characteristics.

Experts associated with the project say that through the App with the HumanScreenom Project, the identities of users who share their screenshots will be kept hidden and their privacy will not be affected.

On the contrary, these experts claim that thanks to the Human Screening Project we will be able to accurately assess a person's mental or physical distress through screenshots that span only a few hours; while using their "personal screen" He may be given some medical and psychological advice that will be most useful to him in particular.

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