7 facts that will prove that you know nothing about the world

Man has lived on earth for a long time, which is impossible to count - but we do not yet know everything that exists to know about our world. And every day, scientists seem to make new discoveries about the world. In view of this situation, we have come to tell you today 7 shocking facts about the world.

 Spider webs are stronger than steel

Spider silk is harder and stronger than steel because it has elasticity. Spider webs can be stretched 2 to 4 times their length without breaking, and have excellent steel and rubber properties.

 Frogs have teeth

Carnivorous frogs have two types of teeth, one on the upper jaw or one on the lower jaw. These teeth are small, not larger than half a millimeter. The shape of these teeth is conical and they change from time to time.

 The whales sleep vertically

Wheels sleep motionless and vertically. It is also believed that they sleep with one eye open and half the brain awake. They are considered to be the least sleep dependent animals, as they only take 10-15 minutes to nap.

 Apples, potatoes and onions taste the same

You may not think so, but if you control your sense of smell, you will not be able to tell the difference between the three. It is important that you close your eyes if you are experimenting.

 Onions are good for sleep

Onions can actually help you fight insomnia as they act as a natural sedative. They reduce stress and lower blood sugar levels. Eating them before bed can help you get a better night's rest, however, it can also provoke heartburn in some people.

 Woodpeckers have an unusually long tongue

In fact, Woodpecker's tongue is so long that he wraps it around his head, scalp and skin. Its tongue length ranges from 15 cm to 35 cm - in fact, Woodpecker's long tongue helps protect the brain by minimizing friction.

 Horses can see up to 360 degree angles

Because horses have eyes around their heads, they can see about 360 degrees. That is why they have no difficulty in seeing what is behind them. In addition, the eyes of horses are the largest of all terrestrial mammals.

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