It is good to be overly attached to reading. It is the adornment of human success. But the image of a child reading a book sitting on a rubbish bin on social media is going viral, making it clear to people around the world that those who love reading make an effort to continue their education in any situation.
The baby that went viral is from Syria. Hussein's photo was taken by Roderick Magams, a young Lebanese engineer and university professor, and he shared on social media: He cleans up and then he finds the book in the trash and sits down to read.
Professor Roderick Magams
Professor Roderick Magams adds: "I am sorry to hear that this child is so fond of reading that he does not like the smell of rubbish and is constantly reading. I went to him and I asked him why do you do that? ''
The child's answer
I was shocked to hear the child's answer. Hussein said: "I am the only earner. My father is sick. There are 4 sisters. I read myself I also pick up trash. When I get a book out of it, I keep it and read it, I have to work under compulsion. ''
What else did the professor say to the child?
Roderick is working with a society to raise money to support Hussein and his family, provided that Hussein does not do it again and does his best for his education.