New Zealand pregnant journalist barred from entering the country, Taliban offered asylum

The pregnant woman from New Zealand has been denied asylum in the country for childbirth, the woman said, adding that she had been offered asylum by the Afghan Taliban in Afghanistan.

"It just feels like a breach of trust," Charlotte Bellis said in an interview with Radio New Zealand.

The female journalist was working for Al Jazeera in Afghanistan, where her photographer partner Jim Holbrook is also based. When she arrived at Al Jazeera's headquarters in Doha, Qatar, she did not realize she was pregnant.

Being pregnant and unmarried is illegal in Qatar, so Charlotte Bells kept the pregnancy a secret and started preparing to return to New Zealand.

She was told that she could not enter New Zealand due to strict corona-related restrictions, and that she and her partner, Mr. Hewelbrook, had visas to stay in Afghanistan.

Charlotte Bellis said she contacted senior Taliban leaders and was told they could have a baby in Afghanistan. "The Taliban assured them that you could come and you would not have any problem, don't worry, everything will be fine," she said.

He lamented that the New Zealand government did not welcome me when I was in need, when the Taliban offered safe haven to an unmarried and pregnant woman, you realize that your situation Is broken.

Charlotte Bellis said she had been contacted by New Zealand officials who said her rejected application was under consideration.

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