Islamophobia is not tolerated in Canada, says Justin Trudeau

According to the International News Agency, on January 29, the fifth anniversary of the martyrdom of six worshipers in an attack on a mosque in Quebec at the behest of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, January 29 was celebrated as a day of national tragedy across the country.

The day was marked by solidarity with Muslims on January 29, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appointed a special envoy to combat Islamophobia.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in a statement that Islamophobia was "unacceptable" and "final." We must end hatred and make Canada a safer place for our Muslim brothers.

Justin Trudeau called the celebration of the day of the Quebec mosque attack five years ago a national tragedy and the appointment of a special envoy to curb Islamophobia as a policy to end hatred and bigotry in the country.

It should be noted that on January 29, 2017, a 27-year-old armed youth indiscriminately opened fire in a mosque in Quebec City, killing 6 worshipers and injuring 6 others, for which the accused named Alexander Basone was sentenced to life imprisonment.

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