He wears only one shirt worth Rs 52 lakh.

Pakistan's richest child Sharmeel Zahid who became famous because of his wealth and now he is coming in the eyes of the people because of his weight loss.

Sharmil Zahid said in his recent video that I weighed 103 kg but my family members told me that we will get you a lion if you lose weight but they cheated on me and did not get me a lion. In an interview to a private channel, Sharmil Zahid said: "A typical shirt I wear at home is worth Rs 30,000.

The shirt I'm wearing at the moment is my brother's, which costs 30,000. My mother Abu does not give me money but my grandmother and other family members. The items in my room came from Turkey, Dubai and Egypt. "Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness," he said. Eat bananas, guavas, apples, whatever you eat after 12 noon, it will also give strength to the body and will also reduce weight. I also go to the gym. By the way, the machines are in my house. We have a lot of cars in our house. The vehicle is determined by location.

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