Asad Omar fears new wave of Corona

As clear evidence of the new wave of Karuna began to emerge, Asad Umar made a great appeal to the people.

According to the details, in his message released on the social networking website Twitter, the head of NCOC Asad Umar said that the new wave of Covid was expected for the last few weeks, now there is clear evidence of it in Pakistan.

Asad Umar wrote that the cases of South African type of Corona Omicron are increasing in Karachi.

In his tweet, the NCOC chief said, "Remember! The best protection against Corona is to wear a mask.

It is to be noted that yesterday, 37 new cases of Omicron were reported in Lahore after which the number of people infected with the new virus in Lahore reached 50. According to the Punjab Health Department, 7 members of the same family were also affected.

It may be recalled that micro-smart lockdown has been implemented in Gulshan-e-Iqbal Block-7 area of ​​Karachi after confirmation of Omicron variant in 12 members of the same family, which will remain in force till January 14.

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