A 33-year-old Canadian woman became pregnant with a liver instead of a womb. This is a very rare medical event and so far we have seen very few such incidents.
The revelation was made last week by Dr. Michael Norway of the Children's Hospital Research Institute in Manitoba, Canada, in his tick-tock video, which has been viewed by nearly half a million people.
The same video later went viral on Twitter. Ectopic pregnancy in THE LIVER 🤯
Via @grepmeded https://t.co/BCTvNfvgH2pic.twitter.com/ics3lJLvey
In the short video, Dr. Michael talks about the case that was brought to his hospital.
Without revealing the woman's identity, Dr. Michael said she was probably 7 weeks pregnant but had been experiencing severe gynecological complications for the past 14 days.
Ultrasound examination and further investigation revealed that the woman had a pregnancy in the liver instead of the mother's uterus, which is slowly growing.
An immediate operation was performed to save the woman's life, in which the immature fetus (fetus) attached to the liver as well as her mother's uterus had to be removed.
Now she is alive and well, but she has not been able to become a mother.
It should be noted that in very rare cases it happens that the immature fetus comes out of the mother's womb after pregnancy. There have been 35 such incidents on record since 1999.
Very few of these cases are related to the arrival of an immature fetus in the liver.
Two such incidents were reported in 2012, one from China and the other from India. The Chinese woman was saved but the Indian woman died due to excessive bleeding. This is the third such incident that has come to light.