China's new cod vaccine is up to 82% effective in preventing serious illness


China's new Code 19 vaccine has proved to be 82% effective in preventing the spread of the disease.

Preliminary results of the final phase of clinical trials of the code vaccine developed by Chongqing Zifai Biological Products have been released.

The ZF100 vaccine was found to be 92.93% effective against the corona type alpha and about 78% effective against the highly contagious delta type.

The company did not say whether the efficacy figures for the vaccine against alpha and delta were to prevent serious disease or to protect against any type of symptomatic disease.

The company said none of the vaccine-infected volunteers entered the ICU and no one died.

The trial involved 28,500 people and the results of the vaccine's efficacy were based on an analysis of 221 coded cases.

It is the 5th vaccine to be developed in China and its clinical trials are taking place in areas where the epidemic cannot be controlled.

The vaccine has been developed by the company in collaboration with the Institute of Microbiology.

Its effectiveness against Corona type alpha is by far the most visible compared to other Chinese vaccines.

The company launched the third phase of the vaccine trial in Uzbekistan in December 2020, while work on the trial began in Pakistan in February.

The vaccine has also been tested in Ecuador and Indonesia, while in China it was approved for emergency use on March 10 and has been used by several people there.

The technology of this vaccine is similar to the vaccine developed by the American company Nova Vaccine which was declared to be up to 90% effective in preventing the disease with the symptoms of COD.

But the Nova Vaccine vaccine was found to be somewhat less effective against the corona type beta discovered in South Africa in the initial trial.

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