
Familiar with the early symptoms of liver disease?

The liver is one of those parts of the human body that is usually not taken seriously until it starts to cause problems and for some people it is too late.

Proper functioning of the liver is essential for good health for a number of reasons, but the most important thing is that the liver is needed to digest everything we eat.

It may be hard to believe but there are more than a hundred different diseases of the liver, the causes of which also vary, such as an infection, excessive alcohol consumption, certain drugs, drugs, obesity and cancer, etc.

Although different diseases can occur for a variety of reasons, most liver diseases damage organs in almost the same way, which is why they look the same and have similar symptoms.

Often a liver disease and its associated symptoms appear very quickly, which can have a number of causes, but most liver diseases are chronic, ie they gradually damage the organ over time and the symptoms gradually appear. Come

Early symptoms of liver disease

Most people do not recognize the early symptoms of various liver diseases, and even if they go unnoticed, it can be difficult to know what causes them.

This is because the early signs of liver problems are very common such as abdominal pain, loss of appetite, fatigue or lack of energy and cholera.

These symptoms can make people realize that it is a common disease.

However, over time, more prominent symptoms emerge, which can be something like this.

Yellowing of skin or eyes (jaundice)

As the damage to the liver increases, obvious signs of the problem begin to appear, the skin color may turn yellower than usual, and the whites of the eyes also become pale, which doctors call jaundice.

This happens when a large amount of a yellow substance begins to accumulate in the red blood cells, usually the liver clears this material but if it is damaged it is unable to do so.


If the liver problems are chronic, the feeling of itching can also be a symptom. This can happen even when there are no skin problems. This itch can make it difficult to sleep. If this happens, it is better to consult a doctor.


If the liver becomes scarred, it can stop the flow of blood to the liver, which increases the pressure in the surrounding blood vessels. This causes fluid to leak out and accumulate in the stomach.

This fluid and swelling can be less or more.

Swelling in the ankles and ankles

Swelling of the legs is common in liver disease. If your feet are often swollen, it could be a sign of liver problems as it is also a result of fluid accumulation. In this case, less salt or medication can help.

Darkening of urine

When the liver does not normally produce a fluid called bile or stops its flow from the liver, the color of the waste turns yellow like wood, with which usually yellow skin or jaundice also appears. Similarly, the color of urine becomes very dark.

Fatigue and confusion

Everyone experiences fatigue at some point, but the fatigue experienced by liver disease is very different. In the case of liver failure, this organ makes it extremely difficult to complete the day by controlling energy.

This is due to the accumulation of toxins in the liver, as well as the accumulation of toxins in the blood and body affecting the brain functions, which makes it difficult to confuse or focus, it is common to forget things.

Nausea and vomiting

Liver disease often results in upset stomach, which worsens as the disease progresses, leading to persistent vomiting or nausea, which is a sign of liver problems.

If the liver functions are stopping or the liver is failing, blood may also be seen in the vomit.

Easily scratch the skin

People with various liver diseases also develop blood diseases, such as excessive bleeding or skin rashes for no apparent reason. If you see this happening and you do not find any cause for skin irritation, you must consult a doctor.

It is better to catch the disease early

It is possible that liver disease is not known, because most people do not seem to be sick. More serious symptoms of liver damage can occur and, if left untreated, can be incurable.

However, it is possible to catch liver disease very quickly by paying attention to small things, which increases the chances of preventing damage and restoring liver health.


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