US decision to give 55 million doses of corona vaccine to poor countries, Pakistan's share has doubled


The Biden administration has announced plans to supply 55 million doses of the corona vaccine. The US president has announced that 80 million doses of the vaccine will be delivered to low-income countries by the end of this month. The vaccine provided by the United States will be given to Pakistan not only under the VOX program but also directly.

The White House said in a statement that 75 percent of the 80 million meals would be provided under the Global Vauxhall Program, while 25 percent would be delivered directly to countries in need.

The United States has made it clear that there will be no demand from other countries for the supply of the corona vaccine. The 14 million US-supplied food will be distributed in Latin America and the Caribbean. In addition, 16 million food items will be given to Asian countries including India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Maldives, Bhutan and others. 10 million doses of the vaccine will be provided to African countries through the African Union.

The above doses of vaccine will be given under the Global Vaccine Program while the remaining 14 million doses will be given to other countries including Pakistan, Afghanistan and Palestine.

The White House did not say how much food would be provided to which region, but did not say which country would receive how much.

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