Scientists were also stunned to discover such a thing from the site of the American atomic bomb test


76 years ago, on July 16, 1945, the US military conducted its first nuclear test in the desert of New Mexico. This is where the atomic bomb was dropped deep into the desert, from which geologists have now discovered something that has baffled scientists. According to the Daily Star, geologists have discovered a crystal from the site of the nuclear test, a type of crystal that has so far only been found on meteorites falling to Earth from space. Never before had such a crystal come out of the earth.

According to the report, the nuclear test was carried out on July 16, 1945, at 5:29 a.m. in the desert of New Mexico, 210 miles south of Los Alamos. The project was nicknamed "Trinity." The blast was so powerful and destructive that the desert sand, metals and greens melted and merged to form a substance called 'Trinitite'. With the same substance, a quasic crystal has now been discovered from this place, which has previously been associated with meteorites called 'Khatyrka'.

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