Saudi officials have also released the closest photos to the site of Ibrahim after the Black Stone.
The images, released by the head of the administration of the two holy shrines, Shawwan al-Harmain, are made using state-of-the-art photography imaging technology. Before taking pictures, the place was thoroughly cleaned. Maqam Ibrahim is the stone on which Hazrat Ibrahim climbed and built the wall of Baitullah. On this stone are the footprints of Abraham (peace be upon him) which are 50 cm in length and width. This stone has been preserved in a golden railing. This place has the status of a masala and the Imam of the Ka'bah prays facing it facing the Ka'bah. It is obligatory to recite two rak'ats of Nafl after Tawaf.
#رئاسة_شؤون_الحرمين توثق مقام سيدنا إبراهيم -عليه السلام- بصور نادرة وحديثة بأحدث تقنيات التصوير.
— رئاسة شؤون الحرمين (@ReasahAlharmain) May 5, 2021
* وهو ياقوتة من ياقوت الجنة كما قال نبينا محمد -صلى الله عليه وسلم-: (الركن والمقام ياقوتتان من ياقوت الجنة، طمس الله نورهما، ولولا أن الله طمس نورهما لأضاءتا ما بين المشرق والمغرب)