Route 18 on the Oregon Highway has dense forests. Some of the trees here are planted in such a way that when autumn falls on them, the leaves of the trees change color and take the shape of a smiling face from afar.
People passing by here feel as if someone is watching them from the dense forest with a smile. The total length of Oregon Route 18 is 25 miles. Each autumn, the leaves of the trees change color to form a face 300 feet in diameter near Polk County. According to experts, these trees will continue to delight people for the next 30 to 50 years.
In 2011, the Hampton Lumber Company planned to design from trees at a time when large-scale tree planting was taking place there. The company chose a type of pine (Douglas fir) for face and face design and shaped its body with the help of pine (larch). In the fall, larch loses its tips and changes color.
At the time of planting, the company's manager, Dennis Creel, carefully designed the trees and believed that the area would be clear from afar. Now people from all over the United States come to see it. But it took months of hard work to get rid of that face.
But over time, its edges have faded, but the smiling face will remain clear for the next ten years, and in the next 30 to 50 years, its wood will be cut and used. Until then, it will continue to put smiles on people's faces.
This beautiful smiling face has been designed with great care and for a while it had the status of the largest face made from trees in the world.