Actress Kulsoom Ali Elhan, who played the role of a reformist woman in the Turkish drama Ertugrul Ghazi, said in a recent post on Instagram that she has a lot of good news to tell to Turks and Pakistanis. On the other hand, Pakistani actress Aiza Khan also shared a video in Instagram Story on the same day in which she is wearing a face mask in the color of Turkish and Pakistani flags. Now it is rumored that both Kulsoom Ali and Aiza Khan are going to model the upcoming lawn collection of renowned Pakistani fashion designer Maria B.
According to, Maria B has posted various videos and photos on her Instagram account in which she is with Aiza and Kulsoom. In the same posts, Maria B has announced that Turkish and Pakistani actresses will be modeling in her next lawn collection. In a video shared by Maria B, Kulsoom Ali is also seen addressing Pakistanis in Urdu.