Globally, India faces another defeat.


The European Parliament has taken note of the revelations of the European Union (EU) disinflation regarding India and has started reviewing the details on the issue of 'India Chronicle'.

In this regard, the Executive Director of Eudos Infolibe has given a briefing to the European Parliamentary Committee in which the European Parliamentary Committee was apprised of the Indian propaganda against Pakistan.

It should be noted that in December 2020, a major conspiracy was hatched by India to discredit Pakistan and mislead the international community through fake news. According to the research of EUDis Info Lab, "EU Chronicle Website" Indian propaganda is part of the campaign. Many of the columns published on the website were incorrectly attributed to European lawmakers and journalists. Anti-Pakistan material was taken from other websites and republished in India.

 The report also revealed that the Indian body Srivastava was backing the EU Chronicle website. The organization promotes Indian interests while promoting negative content against Pakistan and China. India has been misleading the European Union and the United Nations for 15 years by promoting misleading material, according to research by the EU Info Lab.

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