Bill Gates warns the world of another epidemic.


Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and one of the richest people in the world, has warned that the world should be prepared for the next epidemic and this preparation should be on a war footing.

"If we are not prepared for the next epidemic, we will not be able to bear the consequences," said an annual message from Bill Gates and his wife. Until we take action in this regard, the threat of another epidemic will continue to loom over our heads.

"We have to prepare on a war footing to protect ourselves from the damage caused by the corona virus in future epidemics," he said. Billions of dollars a year are needed to prevent future epidemics. Remember that the Corona virus epidemic has cost us 28 28 trillion.

In their message, Bill Gates and his wife have stressed to the world that it is better to invest billions of rupees already to avoid the loss of trillions. With the advancement of disease diagnosis and vaccine development technology, it is necessary to establish a systematic system for global epidemic warnings, a task that has yet to be accomplished despite many epidemics.

It should be noted that Bill Gates had earlier expressed concern about a global epidemic in 2015 as well. After Corona, Bill Gates has proposed and is promoting the idea of ​​forming a 3,000-strong special force to warn of any such threat.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has so far spent ایک 1.75 billion to combat the corona virus epidemic, including the cost of ongoing projects under the foundation in developing countries.

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