Boston: Robots have been taught to dance by Boston Dynamics, a well-known company that makes humanoid robots. In the video, the robots perform dance performances in a highly skilled manner, and the jumping robots move in a way that even an expert dancer cannot.
Its viral video has been watched by tens of millions of people. Prior to that, Boston Dynamics robots performed a variety of stunts, inverted jumps, parkers, dishwashers, and door openers. But this time, she surprised the world by dancing to a popular 1960s song, "Do You Love Me." This skill of the robot is amazing to see how they maintain their balance.
While watching this video, many times the idea comes up that what kind of machines can make a person do a great dance and many times they think of CGI animation. It should be noted that Boston Dynamics has bought Hyundai car manufacturer for one billion and one million dollars. Boston Dynamics was founded in 1992 to create the first four-legged robot.