Singapore government announces bonus for having children in Corona days


The government of the South Asian nation of Singapore has announced a hefty bonus for parents who give birth during the days of the Corona virus epidemic.

The country, which is one of the least populous and high-income countries in the world, already offers a bonus of at least $ 10,000 for the birth of a child.

Singapore is one of the countries in Asia with the lowest birth rates.

Birth rates in Singapore are as low as in Japan, China and South Korea, and were very low in 2018.

Countries close to Singapore, the Philippines and Malaysia, have surprisingly high birth rates, and the Corona epidemic is expected to increase the number of births there.

However, due to the Corona epidemic in Singapore, many couples, including newlyweds, are avoiding having children due to financial problems, which has led the government to announce huge bonuses on childbirth.

According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), a statement from Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister's Office stated that parents who give birth in Corona's days will be given an additional bonus in addition to the fixed bonus.

A statement from the deputy prime minister's office did not specify how much extra bonus would be given to child-bearing couples in the days of the epidemic.

However, it is thought that couples who have children in the days of the epidemic will be given half the bonus of S 10,000 they already receive.

Singapore's Straits Times reported that a statement from the deputy prime minister's office said only after parliamentary approval that additional bonuses would be given for the birth of children.

According to the report, while the government will give extra bonus to child-bearing couples in the days of epidemic, the government has also announced various bonus incentives for low and middle income men.

While the Singaporean government is providing cash to low-income people in the form of vegetables and ration allowances in view of Corona, it is also providing money to the people in terms of other basic facilities including transport.

In addition, the Singapore government is providing a monthly allowance of 3,000 to those who lost their jobs due to the Corona epidemic.

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