NAB, the biggest plebiscite in history, the accused will deposit Rs 1.29 billion


The biggest plebiscite in the history of NAB, the accused was ready to deposit the looted wealth back in the national treasury. The court granted plea bargain on behalf of accused Kamran Iftikhar Lari.

The accountability court on Saturday heard a reference against PSO and Baiko officials regarding corruption of Rs 23 billion in Pakistan State Oil. On this occasion, NAB officials presented a report in the court in which it was stated that the biggest plebiscite has taken place for the first time in the history of NAB.

The accused is ready to return the looted wealth to the national treasury. Accused Kamran Iftikhar Lashari wants to repay more than Rs 1.29 billion, the amount will be paid in three installments. The accused was an employee of private company Baiko who had entered into a sale agreement with PSO.

With the connivance of the accused, more than Rs 23 billion was lost to the national exchequer. Chairman NAB also signed the plea bargain application of the accused.

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