Longest legs, American girl set a world record

Macy's, a 17-year-old girl from the US state of Texas, holds the Guinness Book of World Records for having the longest legs.

According to media reports, Macy's curvy long legs are a surprise to everyone, her legs are about one meter longer than her height. Macy Curie's legs are 53 inches long, while the previous record was held by Ekaterinia Lesina of Russia, whose legs were 52.2 inches long. Macy's is 6 feet 10 inches tall.

"Because of the longest legs, the head hits the door, it's hard to sit in the car and it's not easy to find clothes," Macy said. Messi can also be called a social media star at the moment because so far he has shared only 5 posts on his Instagram account while the number of his followers is more than 41 thousand.

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