Clashes broke out again in Armenia and Azerbaijan, Iran also sent troops into the field


Iran has deployed troops along its borders with Azerbaijan and Armenia, while a new round of clashes has erupted between the two countries over the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

According to the Iranian News Agency, Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpoor, commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, said in a statement that military units have been deployed in Iran's border areas bordering Armenia and Azerbaijan. The troops deployed in the region are aimed at maintaining peace in the region and ensuring national security. Pakpoor said Iran respects the integrity of its neighbors but any major change in geopolitics is a red herring for Iran. Has the status of a line. It should be noted that even before this, after the incidents of shelling in the border areas of Iran bordering Azerbaijan and Armenia came to light, the Iranian President had warned that the clashes between the two countries could turn into a regional conflict.

Clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan have resumed in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. The two sides have accused each other of violating the peace agreement. Meanwhile, Azerbaijan has expressed readiness to implement a ceasefire in the event of an army withdrawal from Armenia. In an interview, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said he was convinced that the peace talks would be effective, but that it depended on Armenia playing its part.

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