There is good news from Russia about the results of the corona vaccine.


The results of the initial phase of the Russian-made coronavirus vaccine were positive.

According to a study published in the medical journal Lancet, 76 people in the first and second trials of the Russian vaccine called "Sputnik Five" developed antibodies.

According to the study, 50% reported fever, 42% headache, 28% weakness and 24% joint pain.

Russian officials say a vaccine developed for the coronavirus has boosted the immune system and antibodies in patients and caused minor side effects.

According to experts, the decision to declare the Russian vaccine effective against the virus will be made only after a large-scale trial in the third phase.

Russian officials say the vaccine will be tested on 40,000 volunteers in the third phase.

Russia claimed to have developed the world's first approved coronavirus for public use before the third phase of the trial was completed, which drew strong criticism.

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