The United States has banned judges who convicted Iranian wrestler

The United States has banned judges who convicted Iranian wrestlers.

The Iranian government arrested star wrestler Naveed Afkari on charges of participating in anti-government protests across the country in 2018 and he was sentenced to death a few days ago.

US President Trump had asked the Iranian authorities to suspend the execution of Naveed Afkari, but the IRA ignored the US president's request and hanged the accused.

According to a foreign news agency, the United States has now banned and blacklisted several Iranian officials, including the judges who sentenced the wrestler to death.

The U.S. administration has called Wrestler's death sentence a violation of basic human rights and said the judge and Iranian authorities were responsible for his death.

In a statement, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed the ban on Iranian officials, including judges.

Briefing the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the US special envoy for Iran and Venezuela said Washington is committed to holding accountable all those who deny the freedom and justice of Iranian citizens.

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