The female teacher had an affair with her son's 15-year-old friend.


A 35-year-old female teacher in the UK has been accused of having sex with her son's 15-year-old friend and sending him pornographic pictures.

During the trial in Ailsbury Court, it was revealed that the 35-year-old female teacher was not dating her husband, after which she contacted her son's 15-year-old friend, who was also a student. In September 2018, the female teacher took the student's number and started sending her pornographic pictures, after which she took him in her car to the fields and had sexual intercourse.

The investigating officer told the court that the teacher, after establishing a relationship, told the boy to scare her that she was pregnant and if anyone was told about it, she would forbid him to live.

Prosecutor Richard Milney told the court that when the teacher first tried to contact the boy, the boy felt strange because he was a friend of the female teacher's son.

The female teacher has admitted her guilt before the court and said that she had an abortion which made her upset. The woman faces charges of having sex with a child, inciting a child to have sexual intercourse and sexually abusing a child.

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