More than 15,000 new cases of coronavirus reported in France in a single day


WASHINGTON / NEW DELHI / BRASILIA / PARIS: The devastation of the corona virus continues around the world, with more than 15,000 new cases of corona virus reported in France in a single day, with the country likely to lock down again.

According to the details, the number of people infected with corona virus in the world has reached 32.792 million while the number of deaths due to corona virus has reached 993,971.

The number of active cases of Corona virus in the world is 767,936, out of which 63,904 cases are alarming while 241,90,598 Corona patients have been cured so far in the world.

According to international statistics, 96% of closed cases of coronavirus worldwide are those that have recovered, while the death rate is 4%.

Similarly, 99% of the active cases are mildly ill while only 1% of the patients are in critical condition.

The United States ranks first in the world in terms of coronavirus cases. The total number of corona virus cases reported in the United States has exceeded 72.44 million, of which the number of active cases is 2.555 million.

So far, 28,440 patients have died in the country, the condition of 14,141 patients under treatment is critical while 44,80,719 patients have recovered.

India ranks second in terms of corona virus cases, the number of corona virus victims in India has exceeded 5.9 million, while so far 93,440 people across the country have lost their lives due to corona virus.

The number of active cases in India is 965,724 while the number of recovering patients has reached 4,849,584.

The devastation of the corona virus continues in Brazil, where the number of patients killed by the virus has reached 140,709, so far 4,692,579 corona cases have been reported in Brazil.

In addition to the three countries, Russia, Colombia and Peru rank fourth, fifth and sixth, respectively, in terms of coronavirus cases.

The total number of coronavirus cases in Russia is 1.1 million and deaths are 20,000, the number of cases in Colombia is 700,000 and deaths are 25,000 and in Peru the number of cases is 700,000 and the death toll is 32,000.

In France, more than 15,000 new cases of corona virus were reported in a single day, killing 150 people across the country in 24 hours.

According to the international news agency, there is a possibility of another lockdown in France.

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