Bar Rafaili, a 35-year-old Israeli supermodel and well-known actress, was sentenced by a court along with her mother on charges of tax evasion.
According to Reuters, a Tel Aviv court accepted the supermodel's plea bargain and convicted her of evading taxes and being found guilty of theft.
The court sentenced the model to 9 months of community service while her mother was sent to jail for 16 months.
Bar Refaeli and his mother were accused of not paying taxes from 2009 to 2012 and of keeping their earnings secret.
The supermodel was charged with tax evasion for a total of 72 7.2 million and has been under legal action for the past several months.
Bar Raphael and his mother were convicted of tax evasion in July, after which the supermodel and her mother legally appealed to tax authorities for a plea bargain.
The court granted their plea bargain and sentenced them both.
Also read: First-ever Israeli model's photo shoot in the UAE
The court also fined the mother and daughter up to 7 7.5 million separately and ordered them to pay unpaid taxes from 2009 to 2012.
The actress became obsessed with being sentenced by the court. — Photo: Reuters
Bar Refaeli and her mother will now pay more than 72 7.2 million to tax authorities, and the actress' 65-year-old mother's prison sentence will begin on September 21.
Following the court's sentencing of the model on September 13, the prosecutor told the court, citing Bar Raphael, that she was a "favorite woman of photographers and journalists" and that she had paid taxes during her romance with Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio. Hide your financial affairs.
Israeli actress has had an affair with Leonardo DiCaprio in the past — File Photo: AFP
Bar Raphael is considered Israel's supermodel, but she is now the country's leading TV personality.
In the past, there have been reports of his relationship with other world actors, including Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio.
Bar Refaeli has been modeling for many years in other countries, including the United States, but later returned home to marry a well-known businessman and is now the mother of three children.