China's air force is becoming a major threat: the Pentagon


A report released by the Pentagon on Friday states that the Chinese Air Force is becoming a major threat.

A report released by the Pentagon on Friday states that modern attack drones, fifth-generation fighter jets, reconstructed cargo planes and Russian-made air defense systems are all making the Chinese air force more lethal. ۔

The report warns that the Chinese air force has become the most dangerous for the United States. In fact, all of these developments are a source of great concern to US military planners. The number of Chinese Air Force fighter jets has reached 2,500. Thus, it has become the third largest air force in the world.

The report added that experts assessing the threats to the United States are not only focusing on the size of the Chinese air force, but also on its growing technology and multi-mission strategy.

The report states that China is currently operating Russian-made S-400 and S-500 air defense systems. These are some of the best systems in the world.

Russian media reports claim that China's air defense system can also keep an eye on stealth aircraft. However, this claim has not been officially confirmed.

Another thing that is troubling the United States with regard to the Chinese air force is the rapidly increasing scope of its attack. For example, the report states that China has developed large transport aircraft similar to those of the United States.

This would not only make Taiwan a better attack, but would also greatly expand the Chinese access to more areas in the South China Sea.

These are all factors that are probably forcing the US Air Force to rapidly modernize and increase the size of its aircraft.

Many senior US Air Force officials believe that current efforts are insufficient to counter the threat posed by the Chinese Air Force. The US Air Force's F-15s are being equipped with state-of-the-art weapons, radar and high-speed computer systems to stand in front of China's fourth-generation J-10 aircraft. In addition, the US Air Force recently upgraded its F-22 weapons program to make it stronger and better.

Similarly, the B-2 bomber is being equipped with new air defense alarm sensors. The Air Force's weapons modernists say recent developments and modernization will not eliminate the need for new platforms and weapons anytime soon.

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