Brave Pakistani girl feeding 10 cubs with her own hands

Dr. Madiha Ashraf, stationed in Lahore Safari Park, is a brave woman who has raised 10 lion cubs with her own hands. Dr. Madiha says that she loves her cubs as much as a mother loves her cubs. He said that it is not true that lions are fathers and when they grow up they do not say anything to their guardians. Children who are not accepted by their mothers after birth are reared on artificial food.

Dr. Madiha Ashraf, who has been posted as a veterinary officer in the safari park, not only takes care of the health of various animals and birds in the safari park, but she also feeds an African tiger cub with her own hands. This baby Sherka is a few weeks old but spends more time in Dr. Madiha's office instead of living in a cage with her mother.

The young doctor Madiha said that she has so far fed 10 newborn babies of Sher. Sometimes the mother does not accept her baby after birth, we monitor for a few hours that if the mother feeds her newborn baby then the children are allowed to stay with the mother but if for some reason the mother does not accept the baby then We isolate children and raise them on artificial diets. He said that in the same way that a mother takes care of her children, the guardians take care of their children by giving them milk on time, cleaning their hair and cleaning the dirt. They have to do everything that a mother does for her children. If the children get sick then they are always worried.

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