James Sanda, a Wisconsin resident, went hunting in Samuel Myers Park in Reykjavk on Thursday, according to the US Broadcasting Corporation.
Meanwhile, his eyes fell on a nearby brick with a packet wrapped in foil and a pink rubber band.
When James Sanda saw the packet, he was worried that it might contain drugs or money, so he decided to open it.
When he opened the packet, he had a brain, along with some pink flowers and foreign currency.
"When I opened the packet, I was shocked and couldn't believe what was in front of me. I later recovered and reported the incident to the police," he told AFP. '
According to police officials, the brain found on the beach was not human but that of an animal. Only after a medical examination can it be known which animal it belonged to, after which we will find out the reason for its arrival.
"Some of the people who found out about it believed that there might be a tradition of sending such a packet, in which the brain is kept and then some flowers and money are kept," said Sanda. He can use it after his life is over, but no one can do it.
"he size of the brain was bigger than my hand and I was having a hard time grasping it. I'm glad I discovered it, imagine it!" If an old woman came here with her children and one of them saw her, she would be very scared or something bad would happen.