A cobra came out of the bank locker room.


A 4-foot-tall cobra snake came out of a bank locker room in India. Rescue personnel caught the snake after a great deal of effort.

According to Indian media, a 4 feet long cobra snake came out of the strong room of a bank in the Indian city of Bhubaneswar. Seeing this snake, the staff of the bank became terrified.

According to the report, as soon as the bank employees went to the strong room (cash locker) for cash, they realized that there was a snake trying to hide under the iron chest.

Bank staff immediately called the rescue agency, which caught the snake. The bank staff and customers were in a state of panic.

Earlier, a huge snake was seen behind a temple in Orissa, which spread panic among the people of the area.

Frightened residents immediately called for rescue personnel who finally managed to control the snake after an hour of hard work. This snake was also 10 feet long and a venomous cobra.

Forest officials managed to catch the snake after an hour's effort and it was later released into the wild.

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