1.5 volts of electricity made it possible to eliminate germs


Experts looking for new ways to kill bacteria have discovered a new technique that can be used to kill bacteria.

According to media reports, if only 1.5 volts of electricity is passed through the germicidal solution for only half an hour, it will tear these germs apart and kill even the hardest germs.

It is a common fact that if electricity passes through the body of an organism, it can die. Based on this theory, scientists have conducted experiments to kill bacteria, which have yielded very encouraging results.

For the experiment, the scientists tested different voltages of electricity, even 1.5 volts at a time, initially positive results were obtained. The cellular material in me disintegrated, even as the germs began to disintegrate and die.

It is worth noting that this voltage of electricity does not harm humans, but the work of killing germs has been done so well that killing these germs was a problem for experts.

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