Which men have a higher risk of Breast cancer?

Breast cancer is rare in men, but which men are at higher risk of contracting the disease? Now scientists have made a surprising discovery in this regard. According to Mail Online, doctors have said that men whose close relatives have breast cancer are also at higher risk of developing the disease.

In the world's largest study on the subject, scientists performed experiments on 1,380 men with breast cancer and compared it to the history of the disease in women in their families. The results showed that the majority of these men belonged to a family with a high incidence of the disease in women. The scientists said: Inherited as Men who mutate in the BRCA2 gene are more likely to develop breast cancer. This mutation is more common in men whose families have a higher incidence of breast cancer. Therefore, men belonging to such families should be careful and get their tests done from time to time. “

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