When the sacrificial animal was slaughtered, the lion also entered the house, the video went viral on social media.

In Saudi Arabia, a carnivorous lion broke into a house while slaughtering a sacrificial animal, and the video went viral on social media.

According to a report by a foreign news agency, a wild lion entered the house on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha in the Gulf state of Saudi Arabia while the family was sacrificing animals in the way of God.

Seeing the arrival of the lion in the house, the family became very frightened and started making noise when they saw the lion. Haitham Al-Khalid, a Saudi citizen, also shared the video of the lion entering the house on social media, which went viral as soon as he saw it.

The Saudi citizen said that he had seen stray dogs and cats patrolling the streets at the time of the sacrifice, but it is unbelievable that a lion entered the house by smelling meat.

"The lion sat on the wall of our house and watched the slaughtered animals and us from a few meters away," he said.

"As soon as we saw the bloodthirsty animal, we called the police and civil defense personnel for help," Khalid said.

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