What effect does watching online porn videos have on the brain?

Millions of people around the world use the Internet for negative rather than positive purposes, especially when it comes to pornography or, in simple words, spending time on porn sites.

However, this habit licks the most important part of the brain and can lead to a dull or childish mindset.

This was stated in a study by Raquel Anne Barrer, a PhD in Neuroscience from Canada and a researcher at Laval University in Canada.

He said that in the past, research reports have shown that people who make a habit of watching immoral material damage the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that controls willpower, bodily movements and morals. does.

This part of the brain is very important and its development in every individual is completed in adolescence, but when it is damaged, people do not have control over their emotions and anxiety and decision power is also affected.

In a research paper published in The Conversation, he wrote: "We studied the effects of this habit on learning and memory, because this substance is so powerful that it causes changes in the brain."

He said that this material could potentially lead to mental retardation and lead to more childish thinking or so-called dull minds.

According to the research, the viewing of such content has increased so much that last year, the total number of viewers of these pornographic videos on the largest website in this regard was 33.50 billion.

The researcher warned that while science has now begun to expose the negative effects of this substance on the nerves, it has already become clear that this habit can affect people's mental health and marital life. There are devastating effects.

According to research, from depression to sexual dysfunction, pornography can take over our nervous system and have devastating consequences.

Raquel Anne Barr said her team found that the material had such a powerful effect on the mind that it could affect human behavior.

"It's like using drugs, that is, when a person is addicted to drugs, the amount of a hormone called dopamine in their brain increases, which makes them feel happy," he said.

The same thing happens with making a habit of watching immoral material, but they control the neurotransmitter excitement and also handle the memories, so activating these neurotransmitters more eliminates the natural reactions and habits and for the body it It is difficult to understand how he can be satisfied with his needs.

For example, drug addicts lose their appetite for food and become more addicted, while those who watch pornography become more addicted to it and gradually become physically incompetent at some point, but that is the end of it. Does not happen

Research reports have shown that changes in dopamine delivery increase the incidence of diseases such as depression and anxiety, and that viewers of immoral content often report symptoms of depression, unhappiness in life and poor mental health.

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