Using this food for breakfast is very beneficial for health.

Eggs are the easiest, cheapest and most diverse source of protein, but they also provide the body with more than you could have imagined.

In fact, it is one of the few foods that are considered superfoods.

It is rich in amino acids, antioxidants and iron, and its yolk increases the fat-resistant component choline in the body, which reduces the risk of obesity.

Eggs can have amazing effects on the body and make you eat them.

Too much nutrition
Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on our planet.

An egg provides the body with 6% of the daily requirement of vitamin A, 5% of the daily requirement of folate, 7% of the daily requirement of vitamin B5, 12% of the daily requirement of vitamin B12. Vitamin B2 contains 15% of the daily requirement, phosphorus 9% of the daily requirement and selenium 22% of the daily requirement.

In addition, eggs contain adequate amounts of vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B6, calcium and zinc.

An egg contains 77 calories, 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of healthy fats, as well as a number of other nutrients.

In fact, eggs can be considered an ideal food that contains almost every nutrient we need.

Full of cholesterol but not harmful to blood cholesterol
It is true that eggs contain a lot of dietary cholesterol, ie 212 mg in an egg, while 300 mg of cholesterol in the daily diet is recommended to be absorbed.

But the important thing is that the cholesterol in the diet does not necessarily increase the level of cholesterol in the blood.

The liver produces large amounts of cholesterol in the body every day, and when dietary cholesterol is consumed in large quantities, the liver reduces the rate of cholesterol production.

According to research reports, in 70% of people, the use of eggs does not raise cholesterol levels at all, while the other 30% have a slight increase in its rate.

However, people with genetic diseases should use eggs on the advice of a doctor.

Increase beneficial cholesterol levels
Cholesterol called HDL is considered to be beneficial for health.

People with high HDL levels generally have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke and other medical problems.

Eggs are good for raising HDL levels, a study found that eating 2 eggs a day for 6 weeks increases HDL levels by 10%.

Full of choline, which is very important for the body
Coleus is a nutrient that most people are not even aware of, although it is a very important compound and is often linked to B vitamins.

Coliseum works to make cell membranes and plays a role in making signaling molecules in the brain as well as in many other functions.

Eggs are the best source of this and an egg contains more than 100 milligrams of this nutrient.

Reduce the risk of heart disease
Harmful or LDL cholesterol is considered harmful to health.

There is a link between an increase in LDL levels in the body and an increased risk of heart disease.

LDL is broken down into smaller and larger particles, and research reports have found that people with low levels of this cholesterol particle also have a higher risk of heart disease.

Egg consumption can increase LDL cholesterol levels in some people, but according to research reports, it is usually in the form of large particles, which can be better understood.

Useful for eye health
As you grow older, your eyesight will improve.

There are a number of nutrients that help fight visual impairment with age.

Two of them are lutein and zeaxanthin, which are very powerful antioxidants that accumulate in the corners of the eyes.

According to research reports, adding adequate amounts of these nutrients can significantly reduce the risk of cataracts and age-related degradation.

One study found that eating an egg yolk daily for four and a half weeks increased blood lutein levels by 28 to 50 percent and zeaxanthin levels by 114 to 142 percent.

Eggs also contain high levels of vitamin A, a lack of which is considered to be the most common cause of blindness worldwide.

Rich in standard protein
Protein is a very important component of the human body that helps make all kinds of tissues and molecules that are very important for structure and function.

Getting the right amount of protein from the diet is very important and eggs are the best way to get it.

An egg contains 6 grams of protein, while the diet also contains the right amount of all the essential amino acids that enable the body to make full use of the protein.

Getting proper protein intake helps to lose weight, increase muscle mass, lower blood pressure and improve bone health and these are just a few of the benefits that can go a long way. Is.

Possible protection from stroke
Eggs are often considered harmful to the heart due to their high cholesterol content.

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