US fails in Security Council, rejects extension of arms embargo on Iran.

The United Nations Security Council has rejected a US request to extend a global arms embargo on Iran.

According to the AFP news agency, in the meeting of the Security Council, Washington presented a resolution to extend the international sanctions on Tehran indefinitely, which was supported only by the Dominican Republic.

Read More : More sanctions over Iran by USA.

It should be noted that the United States needed at least 10 votes to pass the resolution.

Eleven members of the 15-member body, including France, Germany and the United Kingdom, abstained.

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Russia and China have stated opposition to using force or imposing sanctions on Iran.

The ban is set to expire on October 18 under a 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued a brief statement on the failure of the UN Security Council resolution.

He termed the failure of the resolution as a failure of the Security Council and said that the decision in defense of international peace and security was unforgivable.

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Mike Pompeo said Israel and the six Gulf states supported an extension of the global arms embargo on Iran because they knew Tehran would spread chaos and destruction once the embargo was lifted.

But the Security Council ignored the issue, he said.

China's ambassador to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, said in a statement that "once again it is clear that no one will support a unilateral system and bullying will fail."

On the other hand, Iran said in the UN Security Council that the United States failed in this conspiracy with humiliation.

Iran's foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said in a tweet that the United States had never been so alone in its 75-year history.

"Despite all the visits and pressure, the United States has been able to persuade only a small country to vote," he said.

Earlier, on November 11, 2019, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani had said that the continued implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan (JCPOA) would result in the lifting of the arms embargo on Iran by 2020.

He said that by continuing to implement the action plan, "we will achieve a goal of economic security next year."

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In 2015, the United States, Germany, France, Britain, Russia and China signed nuclear non-proliferation treaties with Iran in exchange for lifting global sanctions on Iran.

It should be noted that US President Donald Trump announced the withdrawal from the agreement reached with Iran last year and re-imposed sanctions on it.

In his speech in Washington, Trump said the United States had decided to withdraw from the global nuclear deal with Iran and would resume sanctions.

On the other hand, Germany, France, Britain, Russia and China want to restore the agreement under which Iran will reap economic benefits.

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has warned the government not to pin its hopes on Europe because the creators of a nuclear deal with world powers with Tehran are under US pressure.

After US President Trump's announcement, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said in his speech that Iran could resume uranium enrichment "without limits".

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"I have instructed the Iranian Atomic Organization to take all necessary steps for future operations, so that, if necessary, we can begin the process of enrichment without limitation," he said.

"We will wait several weeks before this decision, we will talk to our friends and others, including allies of the nuclear deal," he said.

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