This very powerful man has been sexually harassing me for many years" Ayesha Omer

Lahore : Pakistan's leading actress Ayesha Omar has revealed that she has been sexually harassed by a very powerful man for 15 years.

Talking to Hollywood actress Ross McGowan, the spirit of the Me Too campaign, in a live session on Instagram, Ayesha Omar spoke about the incident of harassment that happened to her.

Actress Ayesha Omar said that when she entered the industry, she was only 23 years old and had just completed college. At that time, she was harassed by a man twice her age and a very powerful person. The series went on for years, it wasn't a single incident. "I couldn't get rid of it so I put it in a box and said, 'OK, this is my life, I have to deal with it.'

Ayesha Omar said that she did not want to share it with anyone, for 15 years she left it as it is but 2 years ago she talked to someone about it.

Referring to the incidents of harassment and general attitudes, Ayesha Omar said, "When a friend of mine from the industry came forward with her story, the TV channels started asking me if she thought she was telling the truth. They started asking me if there really is harassment in the industry or if it is happening for the first time. They also asked if it happened to me and I said yes it happened, I will talk about it one day. But I can't do it yet. I haven't named the beast yet, but I've started talking about it. "

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. In 2017, Rose McGowan decided to break the silence about Hollywood and one of the most powerful men in it, Harvey Weinstein. She decided to tell her story to the world. Did the world believe her? Not really. As is the case with most silence breakers. “Time” magazine, though recognised her as one of the Silence Breakers and their Person of the year, for speaking out about sexual harassment/assault. Soon after, several other actresses started sharing their stories of assault by the same monster. Her book “Brave” tells her story in her own voice. A singular voice that stands in a large arena full of women with similar stories of assault and rape. . In my eyes, Rose is one of the bravest women in the world today. I have watched several of her interviews and the way she articulates her feelings, emotions and thoughts is mesmerising. She hits the nail on the spot. Every single time. Rose is also an angry woman. A woman who allows herself to feel and feels no need to justify her emotions to anyone. Her fight is to allow all women in society to feel angry for what they have been through. For what they have been made to go through. Two years ago, I finally allowed myself to acknowledge and talk about my own sexual harassment story by a powerful monster, twice my age. When Rose agreed to go live with me, I felt I was dreaming. It was unreal. I thought non-stop about everything that I wanted to ask her, everything that I wanted to tell her about Pakistan. But she’s been asked everything and she’s answered everything.... that’s why I decided to chat with Rose about how she is doing right now, at this moment in her life, let the conversation flow freely.... and it did... it was real and honest, probably uncomfortable for some.... I did think of some solid questions to ask but never got around to them... they are all still floating in my head. We plan to go live again in a week, and this time go deeper into the various layers and constructs of societies all over the world. Would love for you all to join. Until next time folks! 🌹🧚‍♀️✨❤️ . . #ayeshaomar #rosemcgowan #metoo #feminism #feminist #womensupportingwomen #timesup #speakup #crazy #keepitreal #hereandnow

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