The world's most expensive fish worth Rs 500 million, what is so special about it


Bluefin tuna is one of the rarest and most expensive fish in the world, once selling for 2.5 million pounds (approximately Rs. 553 million). After a long time, this fish has been seen again in the coastal area of ​​Britain in recent days. According to Mail Online, a large number of Philippine tuna were spotted together on the shores of the British Shire County Devon.

According to the report, Kayakar said that many bluefin tuna fish hunted small fish in this sea area for two hours. During this time, she came out of the water several times and then went back. They were accompanied by whales and dolphins. According to the report, bluefin tuna is still sold in the market not in thousands but in millions of pounds and is considered to be the most expensive fish in the world. This is a favorite fish of sushi restaurants in Japan.

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