The verdict will be announced in a few months

The civil lawsuit filed by 57-year-old Hollywood actor Johnny Depp against the British newspaper 'Sun' has been completed.

The case was filed by Johnny Depp against a British newspaper in April 2018.

In its article, The Sun called Johnny Depp a "wife abuser" and wrote how Johnny Depp tortured his wife in the worst possible way.

While Johnny Depp was portrayed as a man who abused his wife, his ex-wife Amber Heard was also portrayed as an oppressed woman.

Following the newspaper's publication, Johnny Depp filed a lawsuit against the newspaper in a British court, claiming  200,000 in damages.

The Sun had also filed a petition in the court seeking dismissal of the same case, but the court rejected the newspaper's request.

The formal hearing in the case began on July 7, and Johnny Depp initially recorded his statements.

Also read: Johnny Depp sues British newspaper for writing 'wife abuser'
Johnny Depp recorded his statements until July 14, during which he denied all allegations of violence against his ex-wife, Amber Heard.

In his statement, Johnny Depp claimed that he had not abused his ex-wife in any way, while his lawyers told the court that the actor had never abused any woman in his life.

Johnny Depp claimed in court that his ex-wife, Amber Heard, had been torturing him and that he had once broken her fingers.

Johnny Depp's lawyers also accused Amber Heard of having illicit sex with non-mahram men Elon Musk and Hollywood actor James Franco after their marriage.

After Johnny Depp, from July 20 to July 26, Amber Heard recorded her statements and claimed that Johnny Depp tortured her 14 times on different occasions from 2013 to 2016.

Amber Heard also confessed to beating her ex-husband once in court.

The actress had told the court that Johnny Depp's attitude had changed shortly after the marriage and he was torturing her so much that she thought she was going to die.

Amber Heard had alleged that Johnny Depp had been threatening to gang-rape other men.

The actress had denied the allegations made by her ex-husband's lawyers, saying that she had never had an affair with Elon Musk and actor James Franco.

The actress's lawyers had called Johnny Depp an animal abuser.

In the same case, on July 27 and 28, Johnny Depp, lawyers for the British newspaper The Sun, and Amber Heard's lawyers gave final arguments.

According to the British broadcaster Sky News, during the final arguments, Johnny Depp's lawyers claimed that Amber Heard misled the court and changed the history of self-torture.

According to Johnny Depp's lawyers, the actress has told other dates of violence in the past and she told other dates in court.

Fifteen months after the marriage, Amber Heard filed for divorce after accusing her husband of violence

The actor's lawyers called Amber Heard a liar, but the British newspaper The Sun and Amber Heard's lawyers called Johnny Depp a man who abused women.

Lawyers for the British newspaper said in their final arguments that it was proved that Johnny Depp had tortured Amber Heard on 14 occasions and that he had been torturing other women as well.

According to Sky News, the court adjourned the hearing indefinitely on July 28 after final arguments were given by the lawyers of all the parties.

According to the broadcaster, the courts in London have annual holidays in August and September, so it is expected that the verdict will be announced in the next few months.

The report states that it is possible that the decision will be announced next year, but it is too early to say.

In its report, the showbiz website Billboards quoted the Associated Press (AP) as saying that the outcome of the decision was based on the decision of Johnny Depp in the US court against his ex-wife Amber Heard. Can also fall on.

Johnny Depp denies allegations of violence against ex-wife in court — Photo: AP
According to the report, although the lawsuit between Johnny Depp and The Sun is not a criminal case, if the case is decided in favor of the British newspaper, the actor may face difficulties.

The report states that even if Johnny Depp wins the case, he will suffer a loss, as the case has damaged his reputation.

If the court rules in favor of Johnny Depp, the British newspaper will pay him up to 200,000 euros and serious instructions may be given to the newspaper.

However, if the verdict is announced against the actor, it will also affect the verdict filed against him in the court of the US state of Virginia against Amber Heard and possibly the verdict in this case will also be pronounced against the actor.

Johnny Depp filed a 5 50 million lawsuit against Amber Heard in 2018 in a U.S. state court in Virginia.

Johnny Depp filed the lawsuit in an article in the Washington Post by Amber Heard.

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