The slipper thief was caught red-handed.

In Germany, a fox stealing slippers was caught red-handed and more than 100 slippers and sandals hidden in the kiln were also recovered.

It so happened that people's slippers, sandals and shoes began to disappear in Zelandorf, a suburb of Berlin. Sometimes a slipper would be missing and sometimes the whole pair would be stolen, but no one knew who the slipper thief was.

One day, a resident of Zelandorf accidentally snapped a picture of a "thief" running away with a shoe pressed into his mouth; and he was not a human but a fox.

When the fox was chased, it was discovered that he had set up his bhat (living quarters) some distance from the population, where he was collecting stolen slippers and shoes.

Demonstrating "animal sympathy", people did not arrest the fox, but did remove the stolen slippers and shoes. Surprisingly, in addition to a few shoes and sandals, the fox stole a large number of ordinary household slippers called "caracas".

The people of Zelandorf still wonder why a fox needed shoes and slippers because she could neither wear them nor eat them.

In any case, the mysterious theft of slippers ended in a ridiculous way that went viral on social media.

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