The immediate lifting of the ban on international air travel is not without danger, the WHO said.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called on countries affected by the corona virus to gradually resume international travel.

According to the Reuters news agency, the WHO said that there is a risk of further spread of the corona virus, in which case only the most urgent travel should be given priority.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called on countries that are lifting restrictions on international travel to gradually lift travel bans after a careful review of the risks.

The agency suggested that emergencies, human rights measures, travel of essential personnel and repatriation should be given priority.

In addition, the World Health Organization said that there has been a dramatic increase in cases of corona virus in most countries where re-lockdowns have been imposed.

The WHO urges all countries to self-assess conditions and risks before resuming international travel.

In its recent Travel Advisory, the WHO said that countries should consider local epidemics, the number of local and external transmissions, and the implementation of social distance.

The WHO said all countries should quarantine foreign travelers.

He said that the possibility of corona being exported and imported in international travel could not be 'zero' at all.

The WHO said in its Travel Advisory in July that all passengers, including flight attendants, must wear face masks.

It should be noted that five Arab countries including Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Bahrain and Lebanon have lifted travel bans and resumed flights since July 1.

Authorities had ordered all airlines to strictly adhere to SOPs when conducting aviation operations.

Emirates, the world's leading airline in the Middle East, has resumed flights, subject to a negative Corona virus test for passengers.

It should be noted that on June 5, Turkey also announced to start flights to 40 countries and 15 countries announced to run flights to Turkey in return.

Turkey closed its borders to prevent the spread of the virus, but after the virus improved the situation, domestic flights were resumed, followed by the next phase of international flights.

In addition, the 15 countries that promised to operate flights to Turkey included Italy, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, Albania, Jordan, Belarus, Jordan and Morocco.

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