Strong shock to Israel, UAE officials canceled the first scheduled meeting.


The UAE has canceled its first formal meeting with Israeli officials over its opposition to a plane deal between the United States and the United Arab Emirates.

According to the news agency, the meeting between UAE, Israeli and US officials was scheduled to take place on Friday, but before that Netanyahu opposed the US-UAE deal. The AE has sent a message to Netanyahu that no interference in internal affairs will be accepted.

Keep in mind that the Trump administration wants to sell F-35 jets to the UAE. The Israeli prime minister had opposed the sale of the planes to the UAE. Israel is currently the only state in the Middle East to have F-35 fighter jets.

Read more: UAE is going to have F-35 aircraft from USA.

The Mossad director had opposed the sale of F-35 fighter jets to the United Arab Emirates by the United States. Speaking to Israeli television Channel 20, Mossad director UC Cohen rejected the Israeli cabinet's decision to sell US F-35 fighter jets to the United Arab Emirates, saying that Israel opposes the sale of any weapons that The United Arab Emirates has insisted on buying US-built F-35 fighter jets and has called on Israel to remove obstacles.

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