Scientists have strongly warned women who use hashish during pregnancy.

Drug use cannot be beneficial at any stage of life, even if pregnant women use the drug and then expect to have a healthy baby. Now, Canadian scientists have found that drug use by pregnant women can be devastating for their unborn children. According to Mail Online, scientists at the University of Ottawa, after researching 2,200 pregnant women, found that women who used marijuana during pregnancy had a higher risk of autism in their unborn children. Is many times

The study found that women who used marijuana during pregnancy had a higher rate of autism in their babies than 4,000 per year. On the other hand, the rate was only 2.42 in the children of non-drug-addicted women. Professor Mark Walker, head of the research team, said: It has a very detrimental effect on the mental and emotional health of children raised in the womb of women. “

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