Saudi Arabia will not recognize Israel.

Saudi Arabia has said it cannot establish diplomatic relations with Israel, following in the footsteps of the United Arab Emirates, unless the Jewish state signs a peace treaty with the Palestinians. He told reporters that he was and would remain committed to the two-state solution to the UN and the Arab peace plan.

In order to normalize relations with Israel, peace with the Palestinians is necessary on the basis of international agreements, everything is possible for the Palestinians to get their rights.

In a news conference with his German counterpart Haiko Moss, Prince Faisal bin Farhan criticized Israel's unilateral policy of engagement and settlement building in the occupied West Bank, which is unfair and detrimental to a two-state solution.

Read more : I expect Saudi Arabia after the UAE should streamline with Israel.

The Saudi foreign minister stressed that Israel's partisanship was an obstacle to peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis, and in his first reaction to the UAE's recognition of Israel, he said that Saudi Arabia had sided with Israel. He sponsored an Arab peace plan in 2002 to normalize relations, but now there is no room for Israeli diplomatic relations without a Palestinian peace agreement.

According to Prince Faisal bin Farhan, talks with his German counterpart Haiko Moss discussed the need to extend the arms embargo on Iran, adding that Iran was supplying weapons to the Houthi militia. Referring to Libya, Faisal bin Farhan said, "We support the Cairo Plan and the announcement of the Berlin Conference to resolve the Libyan crisis. Announce an agreement to normalize relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates." 

Read more : Israeli intelligence chief visits UAE

Israel has agreed to postpone the annexation of parts of the West Bank as a result of the resumption of diplomatic relations between the UAE and Israel, but Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has made it clear that the plan still exists.

Bahrain and Oman, two members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), welcomed the agreement between the UAE and Israel, the largest economy in the Arab world so far, between Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Israel. It was quiet, but according to local officials, despite US pressure, Riyadh did not see the possibility of following in the footsteps of its main regional ally (the UAE).

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