Only the Kashmiri people have the right to decide the future of Kashmir, Gandhi's historic statement in 1947.

Indian leader Gandhi had said that only the Kashmiri people have the right to decide the future of Jammu and Kashmir. Historical references testify to this, but instead of respecting the opinion of the Kashmiri people, India has taken away their basic human rights, broken mountains of oppression on them and turned the valley into the largest prison in the world.

India's own past leaders have also spoken out in favor of Kashmiris in occupied Kashmir, as witnessed by the then major newspapers Dawn, Eastern Times and The Hindustan Times in August 1947.

On August 6, 1947, Gandhi said in his address that public opinion was the greatest law in Jammu and Kashmir. He also said that the Maharaja had also acknowledged this fact without any Tamil.

Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, also promised a referendum to Kashmiris in Srinagar's Lal Chowk, but instead of respecting the opinion of the Kashmiri people, India overstepped all bounds of oppression and cruelty.

Occupying forces martyred up to one lakh Kashmiris in the occupied valley. They were also deprived of freedom of expression, basic human rights, health and employment. Mobile and internet services are also closed in the valley. The usurping army is also continuing the genocide of Kashmiri youth.

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