New revelation about patients without symptoms of corona virus

Scientists in South Korea have confirmed the idea of ​​the corona virus, which has been the subject of much speculation and concern.

Research published in the medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine has confirmed that patients with corona virus who do not show symptoms can spread the virus as much as patients with symptoms.

The most striking feature of all the features of the corona virus is that even seemingly healthy people spread it and that is why it is so difficult to prevent while identifying and isolating such people is very difficult. The challenge is.

Until now, there has been evidence of asymptomatic coronavirus transmission by asymptomatic patients.

But the South Korean study found more solid evidence that asymptomatic patients have the same viral load in the nose, throat and lungs as in symptomatic patients, and in both cases the duration is about the same. Is.

This new study is the first of its kind to make a clear distinction between the two types of patients.

The new study examined the genetic material in the patients and did not look at the virus transmission chain or the development of live viruses by the researchers.

But experts say the results give a strong indication that asymptomatic patients inadvertently spread the virus.

During the study, researchers analyzed samples from 193 patients without symptoms and 110 patients with symptoms between March 6 and 26.

Initially, 30 percent of the 89 percent never got sick, while 21 percent showed symptoms.

Most of the people in the study were young and the average age was 25.

The study estimated that 30% of infected people never develop symptoms, which is consistent with the results of other research reports.

Earlier, Dr. Anthony Fauchi, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, estimated the rate at 40 percent.

He said last week that the good news was that 40 percent of patients with code 19 had no symptoms of the virus, but even if they had no symptoms, they could transmit the virus to anyone who became ill. Can have serious consequences.

The South Korean researchers were isolated with a diagnosis of the virus and could not make others sick.

Doctors and nurses monitored his temperature and other symptoms, while analyzing the mucus, which indicated the presence of the virus in the lungs, nose and throat.

The researchers said that the amount of virus in both groups was similar during the entire duration of the disease, but people without symptoms managed to get rid of the virus on the 17th day, compared to an average of 19 to 20 days in the symptomatic group.

In both cases, there was a longer period of quarantine than in most countries.

Numerous research reports have also suggested that the duration of exposure to the virus from infected people is barely a week.

The World Health Organization (WHO) was criticized by medical experts around the world in June for issuing a statement saying that patients with code 19 who do not show symptoms of code 19 , They rarely spread the virus.

During a regular press briefing, WHO official and epidemiologist Maria Van Kirkov said, "It seems that asymptomatic patients are transmitting the virus, as we do in such countries." There are numerous reports that have done very detailed work on contact tracing, tracking the cases of such patients, examining their acquaintances and not being able to detect virus transmission, let alone happens'.

The statement drew strong reactions from doctors, journalists, epidemiologists around the world and on social media, so much so that the World Health Organization live streamed the question and answer session on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Issued an explanation.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that this was not a mistake, but that the word asymptomatic, used for asymptomatic patients, is misinterpreted to include people who do not have symptoms or people who are ill. Intensity is mild.

The World Health Organization (WHO) stressed that research on the corona virus is progressing rapidly and that the statement was made about a small number of research reports and data sets, not covering all corona virus patients. , Which have not yet been researched.

It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

One of the confusions about this aspect is that many people are very contagious and can easily spread the virus to others, even before they know they have the disease.

They do this before the symptoms of the disease appear, which is a cause for concern because these people may show clear symptoms of the disease in a few days, but at first they do not feel sick and therefore their Viruses keep spreading around.


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